You are reading an article prepared during the development of the pirate life simulation game Corsairs Legacy by Ukrainian Mauris studio with the aim of popularizing the marine theme in general and pirate games in particular. You can follow the project news on our website, YouTube channel, and Telegram.
The release of the game Sea Dogs 2: Pirates of the Caribbean (aka Corsairs 2) took place on June 30, 2003. It was originally planned later, but after the Sea Dogs 2 Pirates of the Caribbean project was bought from Akella by Disney to promote their film Pirates of the Caribbean, a number of changes were made.
For example, the developers of Pirates of the Caribbean reworked the original story to fit the movie. Many locations and characters have also been redone.
Like the first installment of the Sea Dogs franchise, the game featured both land and sea gameplay, with the developers of Pirates of the Caribbean deepening both modes in earnest.
The release of Pirates of the Caribbean turned out to be very successful, despite some problems with the technical state of the project. The players left a lot of positive feedback, especially noting the excellent gameplay and the spirit of pirate adventures.
Unfortunately, today it will not be possible to purchase Pirates of the Caribbean in online stores due to the sale of the rights of the Disney studio. However, users often make Pirates of the Caribbean game files publicly available.
Moreover, in it, you can also find add-ons based on Sea Dogs 2 Pirates of the Caribbean, such as New Horizons already mentioned by us, or Sea Legend is Back (do not confuse it with Corsairs: Return of the Legend — despite the similarity in names, these are two different projects).
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Learn more about the Corsairs Legacy - Historical Pirate RPG Simulator project and add it to your wishlist on the game's Steam page.