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Do indie developers need publishers? The opinion of the creator of Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
Do indie developers need publishers? The opinion of the creator of Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

You are reading material prepared during the development of the pirate life simulation game Corsairs Legacy by Ukrainian Mauris studio in order to popularize the marine theme in general and pirate games in particular. You can follow the project news on our website, YouTube channel, and Telegram.

When it comes to making games, developer independence means a lot. Unfortunately, cooperation with publishing companies, which is sometimes simply necessary for a project to obtain a sufficient budget, confuses developers.

On one side, publishers regularly skew game development towards mass consumerism. On the other hand, without a publisher, the game often runs the risk of not seeing the light of day at all.

On September 7, 2021, we interviewed the developer of Tempest: Pirate Action RPG Avrelii, who created Tempest game from scratch. We also asked a number of questions about the development of the game itself. 

Among other things, we asked Avrelii: do indie developers need publishers these days? Or is the concept of a publisher a relic of the past?

It also makes sense that the most effective marketing can most often be done by the game studio itself, which releases the project.

Here is the response we received:

“All this is done in different eras. The first publisher was necessary, otherwise, it was impossible. They took care of all kinds of connections, promotion on different platforms, made contracts with different companies.”

Avrelii goes on to talk about his experience working on a game with publisher HeroCraft:

“A publisher was a must for developers, especially indies, and HeroCraft, again, is a different era. Our industry has developed rapidly. HeroCraft — they are developers as well — and could already directly appoint people from their staff to somehow help in development.

Of course, we have a long history of collaboration, but we're done... Let's just say that when I started working with HeroCraft, early access simply did not exist, but GreenLight was still there. The intermediate project did not even pass GreenLight. I mean, it was hard on my own.

And even now a new phenomenon has appeared: bloggers, letsplayers who play, tell and they serve as a kind of PR. They are interested in playing, and the audience watches and also buys if they are interested. Among these viewers, there are some other people who broadcast. And it, like a chain reaction, became a new PR.”

Then we talked about the new projects of the creator of Tempest: Pirate Action RPG. Including whether a new pirate-themed game is planned. We asked if it would be better for him to work without a publisher with current experience.

"For me - yes. If someone is new, then to be promoted, maybe it will be better with a publisher.”

The previous question was about how much publishers are needed for indie developers. You can read the answer to it on our website.

We hope this material was useful to you!

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